About Us


Partnering together to serve local churches by teaching 8-18 year olds the Bible; training children and youth leaders; and building friendships between young people around our region; all through fun filled residentials and other Sound events throughout the year.

Sound holidays offer great Christian holidays for young people between the ages of 8-18 which are full of fun and faithful Bible teaching.


Sound Holidays is run as part of the Northwest Gospel Partnership. Leaders and young people on the residentials come from all over the country but a large majority are from churches and young people from within the Northwest.

  • Residentials become an integral part of children and youth work throughout the year
  • Ensure safe, bible focused and trusted residentials for churches to send to confidently (all residentials agree to NWP Doctrinal Basis)
  • Encouraging SOUND events to be central, encouraging young people to be taught at larger regional events (also acting as reunions)
  • Leaders meeting to encourage joined up thinking, structure, resources, unity and future planning
  • Training and feeding older young people and leaders into residentials and serving in local churches
  • To make residentials as cost effective as possible so all can attend

Sound Holidays is trying to reach this vision by working in partnership with other organisations who provide great holidays within the North West that faithfully teach the Bible and encourage friendships and partnerships across churches and young people.
At present the holidays which are partnering with this vision are run and overseen by either North West Gospel Partnership, Ventures; which is part of CPAS (www.ventures.org.uk) or Contagious (www.contagious.org.uk).


The existence of one, eternal immutable God, Creator and Lord of the universe, who in the unity of the Father, Son and the Holy Spirit, both governs all things according to his will and is accomplishing his purposes in the world and in the Church.

The Bible, as originally given, is the inspired, inerrant and infallible word of God. Christians must therefore submit to its supreme authority and sufficiency, both individually and corporately, in every matter of belief and conduct.

The inherent value of all human beings, made by God in his own likeness, and their sinfulness and guilt since the Fall.This has rendered them subject to God’s wrath and condemnation, and has resulted in their alienation from his life, suppression of his truth, and hostility to his law.

The Lord Jesus Christ , God’s incarnate Son, is fully God; he was born of a virgin; his humanity is real and sinless; he died on the cross, was raised bodily from death and is now reigning over heaven and earth.

Salvation from guilt, penalty and all other consequences of sin solely through the work of Jesus Christ — his perfect obedience, penal substitutionary death, bodily resurrection and exaltation as Lord. He alone is truly God and truly man, the only mediator between God and man. There is salvation through no other person, creed, process or power.The entirety of a sinner’s justification, from beginning to end, is only by his grace alone appropriated through faith alone.

Before the foundation of the world God in his mercy chose a people for himself out of the human race. He did not choose them on the basis of their foreseen faith or works, but solely on the basis of his perfect desire to glorify himself in his Son by their redemption.

The necessity and sufficiency of the work of the Holy Spirit for the individual’s new birth and growth to maturity, and for the Church’s constant renewal in truth, wisdom, faith, holiness, love, power and mission.

The only holy universal church is the Body of Christ, to which all true believers belong.The Church’s calling is to worship and serve God in the world, to proclaim and defend his truth, to exhibit his character and to demonstrate the reality of his new order.

The personal and visible return in glory of the Lord Jesus Christ to raise the dead and bring salvation and judgement to final completion. God will fully establish his kingdom when he creates a new heaven and a new earth from which evil and evildoers, suffering and death will be excluded, and in which he will be glorified for ever.

About Us

Sound Holidays is run by North West Youthworks, a part of The North West Partnership - a group of Bible believing evangelicals.


NWGP, St Andrews Parish Hall, Worden Lane, Leyland PR25 3ELCharity Number 1190430


Office hours: 9:00am – 5:00pm Telephone: 07785753545Email: admin@soundholidays.org.uk

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